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Search: study

Temporary Sections

Temporary Sections…

Temporary Sections are established as study groups in order to carry out the Economic and Social Council duties.…more


Sitemap www.ces.ro…more
Permanent Specialty Sections

Permanent Specialty Sections…

Permanent or temporary Sections are established as study groups in order to carry out the Economic and Social Council duties.…more
ESC participation at international events

ESC participation at international events…

ESC participation at international events…more
Youth, policies and European programs for youth and young people in Romania

Youth, policies and European programs for youth and young people in Romania…

Friday, February 23, 2024, starting at 11:00 a.m., the round table was held on the occasion of the launch of the CES study…more
The Economic and Social Council organized the round table on the occasion of the launch of the

The Economic and Social Council organized the round table on the occasion of the launch of the "Mental health chart in Romania" study…

On Friday, January 26, 2024, starting at 11:00 a.m., the round table was held on the occasion of the launch of the CES study…more
The round table occasioned by the launch of the CES study

The round table occasioned by the launch of the CES study…

The Economic and Social Council (CES) organized today, March 9, 2023, between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m., at the headquarters…more
The launch of the study Correlating the minimum wage with what is necessary for a minimum decent living

The launch of the study Correlating the minimum wage with what is necessary for a minimum decent living…

The Economic and Social Council launches the study Correlating the minimum wage with what is necessary for a minimum decent…more
The Economic and Social Council launches the diagnostic study on quality, sustainable and affordable housing
Establishing a temporary committee to coordinate the development of a study on housing issues

Establishing a temporary committee to coordinate the development of a study on housing issues…

The plenary session of the Economic and Social Council in Romania decided to establish a temporary commission in order to…more
